STFU ARTINYA - ENGLISHFESS on X: Eng! Stfu tuh artinya apa ya? X

stfu artinya   sihoki 88 4. STFU = Shut The Fuck Up = diam. 5. IDK = I Don't Know = saya tidak tau. 6. STMU = Shut The Mouth Up = tutup mulutmu. 7. WTH = What The

qq login indonesia 4. STFU = Shut The Fuck Up = diam. 5. IDK = I Don't Know = saya tidak tau. 6. STMU = Shut The Mouth Up = tutup mulutmu. 7. WTH = What The stfu artinya mobil bahis hesap silme Its often used when people are angry STFU ARTINYA - information on the band can STFU! (an acronym

alexistogel online STFU - Shut The F*** Up . RN - Right Now . LMK - Let Me Know . TFW - That Feeling When Arti STFU. STFU singkatan dari Shut The F*ck Up. Jika diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka STFU artinya Tutup Mulutmu atau Diam Kamu.

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