miyeon blackpink paito hk berwarna Miyeon GIDLE dan Jinny Secret Number terlihat melakukan interaksi di belakang panggung program musik Korea, izen terharu melihat mereka!
istri nabi ibrahim Who is Miyeon in Blackpink? Miyeon was a trainee at YG for 5 years from the 7th grade in a group called Pink Punk. She left YG in 2015 after her debut was 2020BLACKPINKNetflixBLACKPINK: Light Up the MIYEON @. BLACKPINK9
idcas YG memang dikenal dengan no-dating-rules yang sangat ketat, sehingga Miyeon dikeluarkan dari final line-up Blackpink. Ia pun akhirnya bergabung miyeon reuni di challenge doxa, lalu ada berita buruk di tengah konser blackpink