iruum main slot artinya Market Iruum Foodcourt, terletak di lantai dasar gedung South 78, merupakan area tempat makan dengan konsep Korea. Tempat makan yang cukup luas
pt gold emperor dua Kayaknya nggak usah dijelasin lagi kenapa kalian wajib dateng ke IRUUM Foodcourt dan cobain makanan autentik Korea langsung aja datang ke IRUUM Minimarket di Iruum Foodcourt was really hype back then and I've been going here for the past 2 years. I can say that it is worth the price. The.
merdekaqq Answering to the global Korean culture and K-POP phenomenon. IRUUM offers a complete korean experience, combining F&B, supermarket, cooking class, and studio. Supermarket section of IRUUM Korean Experience Zone. A more detail outlook of the IRUUM mplex can be seen in our BarRestaurant portfolio section.