plot armor adalah protogel 39201 I'm actually amazed given Batman insane plot armor levels that he didn't had blue kryptonite with him, to take down Bizarro. 06:29:38.
diskon138 cptmwood May 9, 2018. Watch. Plot Armor cptmwood on Plot-Armor-744098227cptmwood. Deviation Actions. Apa itu plot armor ?. Plot armor merupakan sebuah istilah yang bisa dibilang upaya sang novelis atau creator novel, manga dan anime untuk melindungi karakter
thor89 slot I'm actually amazed given Batman insane plot armor levels that he didn't had blue kryptonite with him, to take down Bizarro. 06:29:38. Lantas, apa itu plot armor? Plot armor adalah plot di mana suatu karakter mendapatkan perlindungan sebab peran karakter tersebut sangatlah penting dalam cerita